POPPED – Prescription Opioid Prevention Through Pre-Professional Education & Discussion

POPPED curriculum coverDeveloped by SOPHE/CDC 2017-18 Unintentional Injury Prevention Fellow Brandon Horvath, MPH, the POPPED curriculum is designed to increase awareness about the opioid epidemic and initiatives at the local, state and federal levels.

Health professional students at Thomas Jefferson University showed significant increases in both knowledge and awareness about the opioid epidemic and the local, state and federal initiatives associated with combating against it. In addition to basic information about opioids, the POPPED curriculum, which is cross-walked to the health education and public health competencies, provides action steps for intervention based on the socio-ecological model.  Much content describes Philadelphia’s approach to addressing opioids, the curriculum can easily be adapted by health educators to include relevant information to their geographic area.

Popped Curriculum 2.0 [pdf 3MB]