Partnering 4 Health

Partnering 4 Health, under the National Implementation and Dissemination for Chronic Disease Prevention program, brought together the:

in a nationwide effort to prevent and control chronic diseases, like diabetes and heart disease, through population-based strategies at the community level.

FACT: Chronic diseases are responsible for 7 out of 10 deaths each year in the United States.

FACT: Treating people with chronic diseases accounts for 86% of our nation’s healthcare costs.

FACT: Chronic diseases are among the most preventable – they can be effectively controlled and managed.

Helping Americans live healthier lives

Partnering4Health focused on:

  • Improving nutrition
  • Enhancing community linkages for clinical care
  • Increasing physical activity
  • Improving chronic disease prevention
  • Reducing tobacco use and exposure

This effort supported communities trying to overcome barriers that prevent people from making healthier choices.

Partnering4Health supported communities seeking to make healthy living easier where people live, learn, work, and play.

The national organizations worked together to coordinate strategies and technical assistance to maximize collective impact, increase national and local awareness of community health work, and ensure that identified communities’ ability to increase capacity and achieve sustainable improvements that will continue after the program funding ends.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Community Health provided funding for the project and led the national conversation to create healthy communities.

The organizations promoted healthy lifestyles through nutrition, physical activity, no tobacco, and clinical community linkages.

February – American Heart Month

March – National Nutrition Month

April – Every Kid Healthy Week

May – National Stroke Awareness Month

May – Women’s Health Month

May 31 – World No Tobacco Day

June – Men’s Health Month

Tips on Shopping at Farmers Markets

July – National Park and Recreation Month

August – National Farmers Market Week

September – Fruits & Veggies—More Matters® Month

October 4 – National Walk to School Day