Health Promotion Programs: From Theory to Practice, 3rd Edition
In the newly revised Third Edition of Health Promotion Programs: From Theory to Practice, health and behavior experts Drs. Carl I. Fertman and Melissa Grim deliver a robust exploration of the history and rapid evolution of health promotion programs over the last three decades. The authors describe knowledge advances in health and behavior that have impacted the planning, support, and implementation of health promotion programs.
With thoroughly updated content, statistics, data, figures, and tables, the book discusses new resources, programs, and initiatives begun since the publication of the Second Edition in 2016. “Key Terms” and “For Practice and Discussion Questions” have been revised, and the authors promote the use of health theory by providing the reader with suggestions, models, boxes, and templates.
Health Education Teacher Preparation (HETP) Standards
Health Education Teacher Preparation (HETP) Standards define what graduates of a preK-12 health education teacher preparation program should know and be able to do by the end of their coursework and have been recognized by the Council on Accreditation in Educator Preparation (CAEP). SOPHE has been recognized as a CAEP Specialized Professional Association (SPA) to review professional preparation programs seeking their national recognition for their initial health education teaching credential.
The 100+-page manual includes a detailed description of the knowledge base underlying each of the six HETP standards and 28 components, information on the required assessments to show teacher candidates can demonstrate the expected knowledge and skills, sample rubrics, exemplars and templates, and information on SOPHE’s SPA process.
Underserved Populations: Advancing Health, Engaging, and Developing (UP AHEaD) Research Handbook
A growing body of evidence emphasizes the value of longitudinal community engagement in increasing the relevance, impact and sustainability of community-oriented research initiatives. The UP AHEAD Research Handbook targets junior and senior researchers who wish to build long-term, bilateral partnerships with communities to develop research projects that address the unmet needs prioritized by populations. It offers constructive guidance on best practices, insightful quotes from community partners and reflects the contribution and review of a nationwide consortium of community and academic leaders in community-partnered research.
In contrast to other guides, the UP AHEAD Research Handbook emphasizes practical methods to involve and partner with members from hard-to-reach, vulnerable populations that have benefited less from productive collaborations with researchers to improve health and health care.
Introduction to Global Health Promotion

Introduction to Global Health Promotion addresses a breadth and depth of public health topics that students and emerging professionals in the field must understand as the world’s burden of disease changes with non-communicable diseases on the rise in low- and middle-income countries as their middle class populations grow. Now more than ever, we need to provide health advocacy and intervention to prevent, predict, and address emerging global health issues. This new text from the Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) prepares readers with thorough and thoughtful chapters on global health promotion theories, best practices, and perspectives on the future of the field, from the individual to the global level.
The world’s biggest health care challenges—including HIV, malaria, heart disease, smoking, and violence, among others—are explored in detail in Introduction to Global Health Promotion.
Health Education Tools of the Trade 3: Tools for Enhancing Your Professional Development
SOPHE has published Tools of the Trade columns since 1992. Tools feature practical guidance for health promotion and health education practitioners. The columns have evolved over time and cover a wide variety of topics, but always with the common purpose of providing practical job aid for health education and promotion practitioners. Tools V3 is focused on enhancing professional development and covers topics such as face-to-face communications, writing, teaching tools for junior faculty members, program planning and evaluation, and career development. We hope you find this compendium a rich addition to your work.
Tools of the Trade 1 and Tools of the Trade 2 are also available.
A Competency-Based Framework for Health Education Specialists – 2020
The newly revised framework is based on the Health Education Specialist Practice Analysis II 2020 (HESPA II 2020), a project to update, refine and validate the model of health education practice. The HESPA II 2020 model is designed for use by those in the health education & promotion profession as a framework for professional preparation, credentialing, and professional development. The updated hierarchical model consists of 193 Sub-competencies, organized into 35 Competencies within 8 major Areas of Responsibility. Additionally, the knowledge base needed by health education specialists was organized into 10 conceptual topic areas, and 145 knowledge topics were validated as being used by health education specialists. The publication is an essential resource for health education students, college and university faculty, health education practitioners and employers, professional development providers, leaders of professional credentialing and program accreditation, and policymakers and funding agencies. The CHES® and MCHES® examinations will be revised based on this updated framework.