Public Health Thank You Day, November 19, 2018

SOPHE salutes public health heroes

Washington, D.C. – November 19 – Today, the Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) joins Research!America and leading U.S. public health organizations to applaud public health professionals, especially health education specialists, who protect and promote the health of all people both here and abroad.

Public Health Thank You Day 2018 honors all unsung heroes who help prevent infectious and chronic diseases, avert injuries, respond to emergencies, promote mental health and much more.

These champions work in federal, state and local public health agencies, voluntary health organizations, hospitals and clinics, worksites and schools.

“Today we thank health education specialists and many other public health professionals who work diligently to keep people safe and healthy,” said Angela Mickalide, PhD, MCHES®, SOPHE President. “Our gratitude for their service and dedication knows no bounds.”

Many of the benefits of our public health enterprise are taken for granted – such as safe food and drugs, clean air and drinking water, and health-promoting childcare and work environments.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Food and Drug Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, and various other agencies within our public health system are on the defense of health threats daily.

“Public Health Thank You Day is intended to salute those who work tirelessly, sometimes putting their own lives at risk, to find solutions to some of our most pressing public health threats,” said Mary Woolley, president and CEO of Research!America. “It’s important that we not only thank them today but recognize their contributions daily as they work behind the scenes to combat current and emerging health concerns.”

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