Calling all health education professionals: CHES,® MCHES® and non-certified to take the survey
The Health Education Specialist Practice Analysis II (HESPA II) is underway to re-validate the contemporary practice of entry-level and advanced-level health education specialists and to re-define the core knowledge and competencies for health education/promotion practice.
This study is designed to meet recommendations from the Institute for Credentialing Excellence and to maintain National Commission for Certifying Agencies accreditation.
The National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. (NCHEC) and SOPHE are sponsors of the study.
The study results will update the Framework for Health Education Specialists, to ensure that the CHES® and MCHES® exams reflect the most current and comprehensive state of the profession. The results may be used to inform training programs and professional development initiatives.
SOPHE and NCHEC need to hear from a broad range of health education specialists practicing in all settings and regions of the country. Their input is vital in charting the future of the health education profession.
Sign up to participate in the survey by January 31, 2019.
Individuals who participate in the survey are eligible for a random drawing for winning a $50 Visa® gift card and all CHES®/MCHES® will receive 1.0 Category I continuing education contact hour.
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