The new board members assume their new volunteer positions in March 2023
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Society for Public Health Education, Inc. (SOPHE) welcomes eight new members elected to SOPHE’s 2023-2024 Board of Trustees. The new board members will be inducted and begin their terms of office on March 22 during the all-member business meeting at SOPHE’s 2023 Annual Conference in Atlanta. They will join other board members who comprise SOPHE’s governing body.
Leonard Jack, PhD, MSc, current editor in chief of “Preventing Chronic Disease” at the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), will serve a three-year term as president-elect, president and, immediate past president from March 2023 through spring 2026. Dr. Jack is looking forward to bringing his many years of expertise from current and previous national appointments and senior leadership roles within CDC, SOPHE, APHA, and Council for Science Editors (CSE) to the table to advance SOPHE’s strategic plan. His presidential platform will support operational excellence to achieve the greatest public health impact; advance the science and practice of health education, promotion, pedagogy and research; and advance Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, public health research, health equity, and implement collective efforts to promote anti-racism.
Two-year term positions:
Treasurer, David Brown, EdD, MA, MLIS, MCHES®, public health engagement specialist, Network of The National Library of Medicine Region 4.
Trustee, 2024 Annual Conference, Mauricia Lewis, MEd, audio visual aids officer, Port of Spain Corporation, Public Health and Health Education.
Trustee, Advocacy & Resolutions, Meghan Burroughs, PhD, MA, MCHES®, assistant professor of public health education, Bradley University, Peoria, Illinois.
Trustee, Professional Development & Continuing Education, Kimberly Price, PhD, MCHES®, CPH, associate professor of public health & coordinator of the community health program, Lenoir-Rhyne University, North Carolina.
Trustee, Publications, Miguel Perez, PhD, MS, MCHES®, professor and director of the Master of Public Health program, California State University, Fresno.
Trustee, Strategic Initiatives, Shanna Livermore, MPH, MCHES®, FRSPH, co-director of the Pacific AIDS Education and Training Center, University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine.
One-year term position:
Trustee, Student, Sally Klimek, MPH, CHES®, health education PhD student, Texas A&M University.
“We’re excited to welcome new leadership to SOPHE’s Board of Trustees. These members bring a wealth of experience, outstanding skills, and a vision to build a stronger organization,” says SOPHE President Amy Thompson, PhD. “SOPHE is a trailblazer in health education and health promotion and with strong leadership, the organization is well positioned to meet our country’s growing health issues.”