Brandon Horton
Brandon Horton is a Certified Health Education Specialist that currently serves as the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs (ATOD) Coordinator within Student Life Student Wellness Center (SWC) at The Ohio State University. Within this role, Horton expands on the three levels of substance use prevention. He also provides various individual and group-level coaching services for Ohio State students, and assists with planning, implementing, and evaluating health promotion programs for students.
Horton received both his bachelor’s in chemistry and master’s in Food Science, Nutrition, and Health Promotion, with a concentration in Health Promotion, from Mississippi State University.

Horton believes that this career path chose him. If it were not for his experiences and the environment in which he was raised, he would not have developed the desire to enter the field. He always knew that he wanted to make a change, advocate, and impact others’ lives. Ever since entering health promotion and education, he has not looked back.
Truly, the most rewarding and exciting part of being in this field is making the world a more positive place, making a difference in communities, and making an impact on individuals.