Health Education & Behavior


Health Education & Behavior (HE&B) is a peer-reviewed, bimonthly journal that publishes authoritative empirical research and commentary on critical health issues of interest to a broad range of professionals whose work involves understanding factors associated with health behavior and evidence-based social and behavioral strategies to improve health status.

This journal explores social and behavioral change as they affect health status and quality of life. HE&B examines the processes of planning, implementing, managing, and assessing health education and social-behavioral interventions. It is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Aims & Scope

The journal publishes authoritative empirical research and commentary on critical health issues of interest to a broad range of professionals whose work involves understanding factors associated with health behavior and evidence-based social and behavioral strategies to improve health status. The journal audience consists primarily of researchers and practitioners in health behavior and health education. Typical manuscripts published in the journal include empirical research using qualitative or quantitative methods; formative, process, and outcome evaluations; and literature reviews. Each manuscript submitted is expected to include implications for theory, policy, and/or practice in the discussion section. If a study assesses an intervention, a description of the intervention should be included in the methods section of the manuscript.

Self Study for Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) Credit

Each bimonthly issue of Health Education &Behavior (HE&B) features two self-study articles worth 2.0 Category I continuing education contact hours (CECH). Please click here for more details and instructions.

The electronic version of Health Education & Behavior is available free online, exclusively to SOPHE members through SAGE Journals Online after logging into MySOPHE.