The Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health – REACH program is a priority effort of the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.

For 25 years, the REACH program has partnered with communities to reduce health disparities among racial and ethnic groups in America. The REACH program uses culturally tailored interventions to address chronic disease and preventable risk behaviors.

REACH works by actively engaging communities to plan and execute strategies that work – culturally and appropriately. Strategies include:

  • Preventing chronic disease
  • Promoting healthy behaviors
  • Addressing root causes of racial and ethnic health disparities

REACH has demonstrated that locally-based and culturally-tailored solutions can be effective. The program can reverse the seemingly intractable gaps in health that diverse communities in urban, rural, and tribal areas experience across the United States.

Through current REACH efforts, approximately:

  • 250,000 people have access to smoke-free environments.
  • 600,000 people have increased opportunities to be physically active.
  • 600,000 people have better access to interventions that help people prevent and manage chronic disease.

For more information, visit REACH programs.