Health Equity Toolkit
SOPHE’s Health Equity & Anti-Racism Task Force developed the following resources for SOPHE members, chapters, stakeholders, and other community-based organizations to use in their work.
Health Education & Behavior Scholars of Color
Pedagogy in Health Promotion The Pedagogy of Antiracism
The 8 HPP Papers of the Year through 2021 addressing African American health
Breny, J. (2020). Continuing the Journey Toward Health Equity: Becoming antiracist in health promotion research and practice. Health Education & Behavior, 47(5), pp.665-670.
Came, H. & Griffith, D. (2018). Tackling racism as a “wicked” public health problem: Enabling allies in anti-racism praxis. Social Science & Medicine, 199, 181-188.
Ford, C. L., & Airhihenbuwa, C. O. (2010). The public health critical race methodology: Praxis for antiracism research. Social Science & Medicine, 71, 1390-1398. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2010.07.030
Ford, C. L., & Airhihenbuwa, C. O. (2010). Critical race theory, race equity, and public health: Toward antiracism praxis. American Journal of Public Health, 100(S1), S30-S35.
Hagopian, A., West, K. M., Ornelas, I. J., Hart, A. N., Hagedorn, J., & Spigner, C. (2018). Adopting an anti-racism public health curriculum competency: The University of Washington experience. Public Health Reports, 133(4), 507-513. doi: 10.1177/0033354918774791
Jones, C. P. (2000). Levels of racism: A theoretic framework and a gardener’s tale. American Journal of Public Health, 90(8), 1212-1215.
Lee, E. (2011). Looking through an antiracist lens. In Lee, E., Menkart, D., & Okazawa-Rey, M. (Eds.), Beyond Heroes and Holidays (pp. 404 – 406). Teaching for Change.
McIntosh, P. (1989). White privilege: Unpacking the invisible knapsack. Peace & Freedom, July/August, 10-12.
Pokrel, R., Muhammad, M., Jimenez, J., et al. (2021). Antiracism glossary for education and life. Journal of College Academic Support Programs, 4(1), 75-92.
Sue, D. W., Alsaidi, S., Awad, M. N., Glaeser, E., Calle, C. Z., & Mendez, N. (2019). Disarming racial microaggressions: Microintervention strategies for targets, white allies, and bystanders. American Psychologist, 74(1), 128-142.
Terry, P. E. (2021). Allyship, antiracism and the strength of weak ties: A barber, a professor, and an entrepreneur walk into a room. American Journal of Health Promotion, 35(2), 163-167. doi: 10.1177/0890117120982201
Anti-Black Racism Analysis Tool for a Radically Equitable COVID-19 Response
Anti-Racism and Race Literacy: A Primer and Toolkit for Medical Educators
Continuum on Becoming and Anti-Racist Multicultural Organization. Crossroads Ministry, Chicago, IL: Adapted from original concept by Bailey Jackson and Rita Hardiman, and further developed by Andrea Avazian and Ronice Branding; further adapted by Melia LaCour, PSESD.
Health Equity Resource Toolkit for State Practitioners Addressing Obesity Disparities
King County (2016). Awake to Woke: Building a Race Equity Culture. 2016-22 King County Washington Equity and Social Justice
Racial Equity Tools and Resources from Racial Equity Alliance
Racial Justice Assessment Tool from Western States Center
Role of Academia in Combatting Structural Racism in the United States
Syllabus: A History of Anti-Black Racism in Medicine
University of Michigan Anti-Racism Resources
21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenges Framework:
21-Day Racial Equity Challenge — America & Moore (eddiemoorejr.com)21-Day Challenges – Debby Irving
21-Day Racial Equity Challenge — America & Moore (eddiemoorejr.com)
The Gardener’s Tale by Dr. Camara Jones https://youtu.be/7LCh8MQOE0I
- Donovan, S. K., Storms, S. L. B., & Williams, T. P. (2020). Teaching Through Challenges for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
- Feagin, J. R. (2013). The WhiteRacial Frame: Centuries of Racial Framing and Counter-Framing. Routledge.
- Ford, C. L., Griffith, D. M., Bruce, M. A., & Gilbert, K. L. (2019). Racism: Science & Tools for the Public Health Professional. APHA Press.
- Gentlewarrior, Sabrina & Paredes, Luis (Editors), (2021). The Leading for Change Racial Equity and Justice Institute Practitioner Handbook. Bridgewater State University on behalf of the Racial Equity and Justice Institute.
- Greenwald, A., & Banaji, M. (2013). Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People. Delacorte Press.
- Kendi, I. X. (2019). How to be an antiracist. Random House.
- Saad, L. (2020). Me and white supremacy: Combat racism, change the world, and become a good ancestor. Sourcebooks.