Black History Month
SOPHE pays tribute to Black History Month by recognizing prominent African American figures who contributed prominently to and made a difference in health education and the public health field. These individuals range from SOPHE past presidents, plenary speakers from our advocacy summits and conferences, Honorary Fellows and active SOPHE members.
SOPHE Presidents

- Thomas E. Robertson (1963)
- William Darity (1969)
- Marcia Pinkett-Heller (1979)
- Collins Airhihenbuwa (2004)
- Adenike Bitto (2017)
- Deborah Fortune (2021)
- Leonard Jack, Jr. (2024)
SOPHE Distinguished Fellows
The award recognizes individuals who have made significant and lasting contributions to SOPHE and the profession of health education or public health. This is SOPHE’s highest award to a member.
- Marcia Pinkett-Heller, MPH (1991)
- William A. Darity, PhD (1999)
- Collins Airhihenbuwa, PhD (2007)
- Leonard Jack, Jr., PhD, MSc, CHES®(2011)
SOPHE Honorary Fellows
The Honorary Fellow Award is SOPHE’s highest honor presented to a non-member who has made significant and lasting contributions to health education and the public’s health.
- Joycelyn Elders, MD (1994)
- Reed V. Tuckson, MD (1997)
- David Satcher, MD, PhD (1998)
- Marian Wright Edelman, JD (2003)
- Helene D. Gayle, MD, MPH (2006)
- Gail C. Christopher, DN (2009)
- First Lady Michelle Obama (2011)
- Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, MD, MBA (2014)
- Camara Phyllis Jones, MD, MPH, PhD (2018)
- Georges C. Benjamin, MD, FACP (2019)
- Stacey Yvonne Abrams, MPA, JD (2020)
- Catherine Coleman Flowers, MA (2023)
From our Journals
Free and Open Access articles from our three journals to honor Black History Month.
Health Education & Behavior
- “The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House”: Ten Critical Lessons for Black and Other Health Equity Researchers of Color
- Voice, Counterspaces, and Ethical Care in Research With Black Women With Trauma and Incarceration Histories
- Race-Based Sexual Stereotypes, Gendered Racism, and Sexual Decision Making Among Young Black Cisgender Women
- Motivating Weight Loss Among Black Adults in Relationships: Recommendations for Weight Loss Interventions
- Understanding COVID-19 Risk Perceptions and Precautionary Behaviors in Black Chicagoans: A Grounded Theory Approach
Health Promotion Practice
- Black History Month Collection
- Anti-Racist Violence Prevention: Partnering With Black Youth to Identify Intervention Priorities
- Bag Lady: A Soulful and Scientific Reflection on Black Women’s Health
- An Equity Response to COVID-19 in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania: The Development and Work of the Black Equity Coalition
- Trust Black Women: Using Photovoice to Amplify the Voices of Black Women to Identify and Address Barriers to Breastfeeding in Southeast Georgia
- Examining the Perceptions of mHealth on Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Postpartum Health for Black Women: A Scoping Review
- Addressing Gendered Racism Against Black Girls Using a Strengths-Based Empowerment-Intersectional Framework for Sexual Health and Substance Use Prevention Programming
Pedagogy in Health Promotion
- Developing an Antiracist Lens: Using Photography to Facilitate Public Health Critical Race Praxis in a Foundational MPH Course
- An Anti-Racism Public Health Graduate Program: Mentoring of Students and Igniting Community
- Talking About Race: An Important First Step in Undergraduate Pedagogy Addressing African American Health Disparities
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