LIVE Webinar: SOPHE 2022 Student Health Edu-Thon Winning Scenario: Truman State University
This presentation will cover an evidence-based scenario response that can assist at-risk Northeast Missouri adolescents with mental health challenges. The team’s proposed evidence-based app and website called Emocean is focused on assisting these adolescents with depression and anxiety. The program, based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), provides module-based resources for youth including topics such as understanding emotions, retraining thoughts, stress relief activities, and relationships. The desired outcome for the program is to have an increase of mental health services in rural Northeast Missouri and decrease the reported instances of depression and anxiety for adolescents in the area. The potential for digital marketing in this area will allow for communication through multiple channels. Additionally, easy access to the program will eliminate any barriers on accessing the program, by providing links in the social media posts to the sign in page and posting step-by-step instructions on how to access the program.