Schedule at a Glance

Tentative Daily Schedule

Tuesday, April 15

Registration Open (12-5 pm)
Exhibit Hall Set-Up (2-6 pm)

9 am-5 pmNational Case Study Competition in Health Education  
9:30 am-5:30 pmSOPHE Board of Trustees Orientation (9:30 am) and Meeting (10:30 am)
12-3 pmPre-Conference Workshop: Finding Needles in Haystacks: Efficient Literature Searching to Develop Your Research Question  
1:15-2:45 pmPre-Conference Workshop: Future-Proof Your Career: Mastering AI-Driven Job Hunting and Skills
3:15-6:15 pmPre-Conference Workshop: Advocating for Environmental Justice: Making Waves by Swimming Upstream
5:30-6:30 pmSOPHE House of Delegates Meeting

Wednesday, April 16

Registration Open (7 am-5:30 pm)
Exhibit Hall Set-Up (7-9 am)
Tuesday Posters Set-Up (8-9 am)
Exhibits and Posters Open (11 am-7:30 pm)

7:45-8:45 amSOPHE New Member and First-Timer Breakfast
Catalina, 2nd Floor
9-11 amOpening Plenary
SOPHE Welcome
Presidential Address
Leonard Jack, Jr. PhD, MSc

Keynote Address & SOPHE 2025 Honorary Fellow Presentation
11:15 am-12:15 pmConcurrent Sessions A
12:15-1:30 pmLunch on your own
1:30-2:30 pmConcurrent Sessions B
2:30-2:45 pmBreak
2:45-3:45 pmConcurrent Sessions C
3:45-4 pmBreak
4-5:30 pmPlenary 2
5:30-7:30 pmOpening Reception
Join your colleagues and meet new people for an evening of networking, and fun! Wear your school and/or organization gear.
6-7 pmPoster Reception
Fries VIP dinner (invitation only)

Thursday, April 17

Registration Open (7 am-5:30 pm)
Posters Set-Up (7:30-8:30 am)
Exhibits and Posters Open (9 am-4 pm)
Exhibit Hall Dismantle (4-6 pm)

7:15–8:15 amSOPHE Past Presidents’ Breakfast
7:15–8:15 amNCHEC Breakfast (CHES, MCHES Invitation only)
8:30–9:30 amConcurrent Sessions D
10–11:15 am2025 Elizabeth Fries Health Education Award and Presentation

Presentation of the 2025 Elizabeth Fries Health Education Award
Viktor Bovbjerg, PhD – James F. and Sarah T. Fries Foundation and Lawrence W. Green, DrPH, ScD (Hon), Professor Emeritus, University of California, San Francisco

Award Recipient/Speaker
Reed V. Tuckson, MD, FACP, Coalition for Trust in Health & Science
11:15 am-1 pm
Lunch on your own
12-1 pmPoster Power Hour
1–1:45 pmSOPHE All-Member Business Meeting (All Welcome)
1:45-2 pmBreak
2-3 pmConcurrent Sessions E
3-3:15 pm
3:15-4:45 pmPlenary 4 – Panel
4:45-5 pmBreak
5-5:30 pmConcurrent Sessions F
5:30-6:30 pmReception Honoring 21st Century & Legacy Donors (Invitation only)
5:30-6:30 pmMeet and Greet Mixers
6:30-8 pmAwards Ceremony and Reception

Friday, April 18

Registration Open (7 am-1:30 pm)

7-8 amSunrise Yoga
8:30-9:30 amConcurrent Sessions G
9:30-9:45 amBreak
9:45-10:45 amConcurrent Sessions H
10:45-11 amBreak
11 am-12:30 pmPlenary 5
Incoming President’s Remarks and Conference Recap

See You Next Year!
2-4 pmSOPHE Give Back
Volunteer at the Food Bank